Wednesday, July 19, 2006

just my random thoughts.....

left alone, boredom envelopes me
my exsistance seems to be engulfed in gloom
a rare experience,
which as days go by
seems to occur more often....

time seems to fly by,
on wings of supersonic speed;
as each day ends
it seems that i acomplish less...
this certainly shall be my undoing...

random thoughts fly by me...
as i contemplate on
my insignificant existance in this world..
why? sometimes i wonder...
do things turn out the way they do...
to me it seems to be
the more i expect out of life...
the less i seem to receive..

life is simple, so they say
it is us humans who make it complicated
yet i have to question...
how do we complicate life,
when fate deals us uncomprehensible hands?
the twists in our lives,
who decides what should or shouldn't be?

it is a question i ask,
but no one seems to have the answers
that i seek....
enlighten me...
i wish to know...
are we merely puppets on a string??..
or are we pawns in a game???
or are we in control of our own desitiny??..

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