Tuesday, May 08, 2007

tagged again!!!

Your top SIX frens in friendster..

- Don’t change your friendster top 6!
- Fill the people in below!
- Answer the questions truthfully!

1. Julez
2. Lai Yen
3. PM Eight
4. Prakash
5. Siron
6. Vernie

1. Have you ever danced with number 3?
:: well dat would be impossible since its a whole class...

2. Where did you meet number 6?
:: in taylors college. she's good frens wit d wacky mokney Ashy

3. Have you ever gotten drunk with number 5?
:: nope not yet. we've nvr drunk 2gether b4

4. Have you ever kissed number 4?
:: eww NOOOOOO!!!!

5. Have you ever kissed number 1?
:: no no no....

6. Have you ever gone shopping with 3?
:: i guess dat counts as a yes since i've been out wit a couple of dem

7. Have you ever seen 2 in a swimsuit?
:: does d pic on her friendster count???

8. Have you ever met 1's family?
:: just half of his fly.. only met his mummy

9. Do you know 3's middle name?

10. Have you ever eaten anything in front of 6?
:: yeapz...

11. Do you trust number 4?
:: yeah...

12. Have you ever fought with number 5?
:: yup..

13. When is the last time you saw num 6?
:: ages ago... VERNIE i miss !!!

14. Are any of your top 6 family?
:: not really.. no1 is like a bro to me.

15. Have you ever done something dangerous with number 6 ??
:: well we got stalked 2gether. XD

16. Have you ever slept in the same bed with any of the six?
:: nope

17. Do you think 5 and 6 would make a good couple?
:: uh nope.....they dun even know each other

18. Would 2 do anything for you?
:: i guess she would. i think i deserve it XD...

19. Have you ever made out with number 4?
:: ewwww NOOOOO!!

20. Have you ever slept with your number 1?
:: nope...

21. Which have you known the longest?
:: number 5!!

22. Who have you known the shortest?
:: number 6

23. Has anyone in your top 6 seen you cry?
:: uh huh. no 5 has seen it. n no 4 as well..

24. Have you had a crush on 1 - 6?
:: yeah on no 5. we used 2 date in form 4.

25. Have you done anything illegal with number 4?
:: hmm.. i'm not sure.. hv i done antyhing wit u dat will make mummy angry??? =)

26. Will 1 - 6 repost this?
:: no 4 is d one dat tagged me. i think no 5 may do it.. d rest dunno

5ppl i tag:

1) Julez
2) Lai Yen
3) PM Eight
4) Siron
5) Vernie


praxster said...

how come number 4 only got questions bout stuff like kissing n making out ah.... weird....

ha ha ha...yea ur mum would come kill me...

.::KuCc|R@t::. said...

yeah i know.... mummy was asking wat i was doin since i was saying NO, NO, NO n looking at d comp...