Sunday, May 21, 2006

it's been a while

lately i really havent been in the mood to write anything at all... so here's just some ramblings abt how the weekend has been...

well on friday nothing much happened except the usual.....went 2 play pool after class with lai yen and jun...vignesh joined us for a game later....i totally sucked this time....had no idea wat got into me....for all that it was worth, i kept putting the white ball in....some great game i had....

yesterday was good, not really but better.....i spent the whole day watching stargate atlantis season rocks!!!...they have a new cast member ronon dex n he is super hot.....well the last episode is left unfinished as they always do......ronon n rodney get stuck on a wraith hive ship..... how they got on a hive ship u may ask..... well dr.beckett had completed his retrovirus that turns the wraith into humans....the wraith found out n they wanted atlantis made an alliance with the wraith.... not very pleasing but yes it happened.....the rest u can watch on ur own [this is for the benefit of prax whom i know will read this] hehehe......

today nothing much happened except that 'paradox' is on it's way..... paradox is the band carissa started n we had our 1st practise 2day....we will be playing for the KDYC concert if all of us aren't having our exams....the band is on it's way n we rock!!! will all go well by god's grace......

*signing out*

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