Thursday, October 12, 2006

where the eagle flies.....

the nest is bare
prickly against the tender flesh
of the young bird

meant to fly,
but the little one is afraid
fear weighs him down like a boulder
afraid if he takes the plunge
he may never fly again at all

it's a little late,
but she's not long overdue,
soon she will fly
once she breaks the chains that hold
her pretty wings captive

soon, not too far in the future,
the little one will fly,
high in the realm of the skies
where the eagles are the kings

look out to see the little one
flexing their wings
and riding the currents
braving all the obstacles

soaring high above them all, 

right where the eagle flies

rising I will touch the sky,
my time goes to arive,
when I rest in the given promise

elevándome tocaré el cielo,
mi tiempo va a arive,
cuando descanso en la promesa dada

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