i cant breathe
my mind is all woozy
stuck in this world of in between
nothing seems real anymore
reality is my imagination now
i feel like the flame is due
why? you may ask....
arrgh!!!!!! i'm sick!!!!!!!
its so bloody irratating cos i've bio pract on thurs...... how i'm gonna get thru dat wit a running nose i hv no idea...... arrgh!!!!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
it ends tonight
Posted by
5:08 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Posted by
9:24 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
where the eagle flies.....
the nest is bare
prickly against the tender flesh
of the young bird
meant to fly,
but the little one is afraid
fear weighs him down like a boulder
afraid if he takes the plunge
he may never fly again at all
it's a little late,
but she's not long overdue,
soon she will fly
once she breaks the chains that hold
her pretty wings captive
soon, not too far in the future,
the little one will fly,
high in the realm of the skies
where the eagles are the kings
look out to see the little one
flexing their wings
and riding the currents
braving all the obstacles
soaring high above them all,
right where the eagle flies
my time goes to arive,
when I rest in the given promise
mi tiempo va a arive,
cuando descanso en la promesa dada
Posted by
8:05 PM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
the golden post..........(",)
yess ppl this is the 50th post of my blog..... nothing exciting to blog abt except dat AS finals are starting next mon n dat currently i'm stuck on these songs.... beautiful.....
Posted by
8:26 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Happy Birthday Mummy!!!!!
well today is mummy's b'day.... so b4 dis daddy, mel n i decided 2 suprise her... it was all a suprise.... the gift n the cake n everything..... rite now i cant upload the video yet, so here are some photos.....
Photo #1: when mummy 2st received the FedEx package
Photo #2: mummy still tryin 2 open the package
Photo #3: the gift box finally out of the packaging....for such a lil thing FedEx used such a big packet.....
Photo #4: mummy finally opened the box n smiling as she looked at the rosary....
Photo #5: the gift revealed....a genuine mother of pearl with silver sterling, hand crafted rosary with life time guarantee.... cool eh??? maybe not for everyone, but for mummy it's helluva lot....
remember one of my posts some time back abt a pair of merbuks nesting at my place??..... well on sunday(01/10/06) the eggs hatched..... n two little birdies were welcomed into the world.... so aftert waiting a couple of days 4 those little birdies 2 get used 2 the world around them, today i decided 2 document their early stages of life..... on of those little guys was kinda shy, so only one birdie posed 4 me with mummy bird.... can u see the little fella snuggled up next to its mummy???.... ain't he cute???? (at least i think its a he.....)
Posted by
8:51 PM