Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the kite

holding on, letting go;

it's just like a kite in your hands

on a beautiful day,

then the mighty wind comes

so strong, it buffets and pulls the kite

it seems too much to hold on,

and you let go;

knowing you wont be dragged along.

but then you realise,

that you never really wanted to let go,

now the kite is slipping away,

running right past your fingers

like water running from a tap.

now you stumble to hold on,

but the wind laughs at your face,

pulling the kite away faster,

the kite string is in your palms;

will you get a grip in time,

before the string runs out;

or will she be borne away forever by the wind?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

what type of flower i am?

I'm FoxgloveYou really want to be a good person, but you have this little mischievous streak that seems to get in the way. Deep down you mean well, but you are just so good at being just a little bit bad.

*did this test up on facebook... just quite amused by it, as it's quite an avid description of me... rarely have there been any so accurate... anyways being mischevious is fun!!!! :D

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

goodbye 2007, hello 2008!!!

another year has come to a close
what have you done?
what have you not done?
time to contemplate
and balance the books of life...

tonight we remember
loves lost to the night,
of friends and family that have left before us
we remember their gifts of life
the legacies that they left behind

tonight we ponder,
on our dreams for the year
resolutions that we have set
the expectant desires we have
we think of a year unknown.

yet another book closes tonight,
and at the stroke of midnight,
another book is being writ,
in this year's ending,
is next year's beginning.

goodbye 2007, hello 2008!!!

a very happy new year filled with blessings from above and lots of good cheer to all of you!!