day 3 = what drives me??
i'm still trying to figure this one out... so i really don't know at the moment... all this while i've just been flowing where the wind blows...
one day i shall be there...high up above with the kings of the sky....above all else, where the eagle flies....and this, this is my journey...
i'm still trying to figure this one out... so i really don't know at the moment... all this while i've just been flowing where the wind blows...
Posted by
9:38 PM
Labels: The Purpose Driven Life
well dat was the theme for day two... hmmm dat i can live with... i know i am not an accident, n dat i'm meant to be just the way i am.. so no big deal abt dis one.. just sometimes when i wish i could be different, i need 2 remind myself that this is who i am, and this is exactly the way i am meant to be..
as i was chatting wit one of my msngr buddies, his personal msg went like this "in the pursuit of truth, i became a lie"... how many of us hv ended up just like that??.. we portray ourselves as perfect ppl leading perfect lives, but in reality, deep down inside, in the farthest corners of our beings, where no one else but ourselves ventures, a hurricane brews and unleashes itself. we are tossed by the storms of our own making, n yet sometimes, we are too proud to ask for help...WHY?? does the world really determine who we are and who we should be?? do we really need to change who we are deep inside to be who the world wants on thhe outside?? is it worth the pain and rejection?? most of the time, actually 99.999999999% of the time, it's not worth it...
so since i'm not an accident, and neither are you, we all shoud take time 2 be tour true selves... let's stive to make the world a truer world, not a world full of lies and disguises.. truth hurts sometimes, but in the end it's the only saving grace we have...
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: The Purpose Driven Life
i'm currently goin through dis book called 'The Purpose Driven Life',. it's a book on how ur supposed 2 find ur purpose in life, n since i've been preety much of a lost soul just simply wandering through life wothout any real purpose i decided 2 give the book a chance... so far so good... the aim of the book is to get me though life, while living my life according to the purpose God has designed for me...
so anyways, back to the theme of the day >>> IT'S NOT ABT ME.
when i 1st read it, i was thinking, if life's not abt me, then who is it abt??.. i mean, i'm the one living it n goin thru all the shit n everything, n dis guy says it's not abt me.. but pondering on it later, i did realise life aint abt me.. maybe not absolutely not abt me, but a large part of life in general does not revolve ard me.. for example, if i was having a shitty day, would dat make ur day shitty as well?? no rite... so that's it... it's just one example, but good enough 4 me, i could go on n on, but nvm, i'm 2 lazy...
so basically out of 2day's lesson, i am reminded that from ashes i was created n eventually i will return to ashes.. even if i'm dead or alive, life still goes on.. true, frens and family will mourn, but eventually move on with life.. life does not begin or end with me.. most importantly, i am just a single tread in the tapestry who can never really see its purpose in the pattern of the grand design...
dats it for day 1. period.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Labels: The Purpose Driven Life
well, as i'm a single and looking gal, i really wasnt expecting much today... n when i woke up i decided dat i aint gonne brood ard n complain dat i ain't got a date or a valentine to spend wit as some of my frens did... n i'm glad i did dat, cos at d end of d day, i did get some flowers n cookies from a close fren.... mysterious things happen when u just don't expect them to.... so dat being said, my valentine's day was not mournful, neither was it very happening, but it just siuted me just fine... n since i'm in a good mood:
Posted by
9:02 PM
Posted by
9:46 AM